June 25, 2024

Change to Language Test Submission Requirement

To improve processing times and reduce barriers for internationally educated physiotherapists, we are removing the requirement for clients to submit unsuccessful language test results.

Effective immediately, clients are only required to submit a language test when they achieve the required language test scores. CAPR can begin credentialling assessments before receiving a successful language test but cannot complete the assessment or distribute the final results letter until a successful language test has been received. 

To submit your language test electronically: 

1.       Log in to the client portal  

2.       Go to the  Apply tab 

3.       Click on the  Details button 

4.       Scroll down to the Digital Documents section 

5.       Click on the  Add New Digital Document button 

6.       Enter the required information. 

For more information about CAPR’s language requirement, please see the language policy

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