WC – Practice Exam

physiotherapist in blue scrubs making notes on a clipboard while elderly man watches from his seat on exam table

WC – Practice Exam

Fee: $120

CAPR has developed a 200-question practice exam comprised of ‘retired’ items from the PCE Item Bank. This means that the questions in the practice exam have gone through multiple stages of review and have been included in previous exams but are no longer in the PCE item bank.

The WC – Practice Exam is mapped to the PCE Blueprint 2018 and therefore mirrors the content and structure of the Written Component. This resource is offered through our exam delivery partner, risr/assess, and is one of the best resources for your exam preparation, as it allows you to simulate the test-taking experience before exam day.

You are highly encouraged to take the WC – Practice Exam; the score report provided upon completion will contain the information necessary for you to assess your strengths and weaknesses across the different domains and areas of practice tested in the exam.

Your performance on the WC – Practice Exam does not predict your success or failure on the Written Component; however, a Total % Score of less than 65% may indicate that further preparation is required before attempting the exam.

Understanding your performance in the WC – Practice Exam will help you to target your study efforts. As you work through the questions, you’ll also gain a better insight into the style, language, types, and format of questions that appear on the Written Component, which may improve your confidence in taking the exam.

NOTE: because the WC – Practice Exam is designed to simulate the test-taking experience, you will have four (4) hours to complete it, starting when you log in. If you close the tab in which the exam is running, the exam timer will continue to count down; once the 4 hours elapse, your access will end. As such, in order to get the maximum benefit of the WC – Practice Exam, you are highly encouraged to take it when you can dedicate 4 uninterrupted hours to it.

WC – Practice Exam Score Report

Following completion of the WC – Practice Exam, a score report (matching the sample below but with the ‘Your % score’ column completed based on your performance) will be emailed to you.

NOTE: the score report will NOT include the WC – Practice Exam questions or the answer key.

 % of questions as per PCE Blueprint 2018# of questions on WC – Practice ExamYour % score
Physiotherapy Expertise 50-60%120X%
Area of Practice:

Applying for the WC – Practice Exam

Follow these steps to apply for the WC – Practice Exam.

Step 1: Go to the Client Portal

  1. If you are a new client,
    1. Click the ‘Create Account’ button
    2. Complete all the required fields
    3. Click ‘Submit’

  2. If you are an existing client — sign in to your account

Step 2: Within your client profile, click on the ‘Apply’ tab, and then on ‘Create WC – Practice Exam Application’.

Step 3: Within the application,

  1. Read the information
  2. Check the check box to indicate your understanding of the information
  3. Click on the ‘Proceed to Payment’ button

Step 4:  Payment:

  1. Provide payment by MasterCard/Visa (online through the Client Portal)
    • Fill in the required fields
    • Make sure the billing address is correct
    • Click ‘Submit Order’
  1. No other form of payment is accepted

Step 5: Once payment is made, click ‘Back’ at the bottom of the screen to return to the ‘Apply’ tab

Once payment has been successfully processed, you will receive a ‘WC – Practice Exam Login Information’ email containing your log in information and the link to access the exam. Please note that access will be available within 1 hour of this email. Please email exams@alliancept.org if you cannot access the WC – Practice Exam more than 1 hour after receiving the ‘WC – Practice Exam Login Information’ email.