CAPR to continue investment in Evaluation Services
By Brandi Park
National Director, Evaluation Services
Welcome to 2024 and Happy New Year to our clients and to the system partners we collaborate with to ensure safe and quality physiotherapy across Canada.
Looking back at 2023, I’m proud of what the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators (CAPR) has accomplished. In 2023 we improved and modernized our credentialling and examination services, we also invested significant time and energy establishing a plan for Evaluation Services Re-envisioned (ESR), a two-year project focused on developing a new entry-to-practice model for competency assessment of individuals seeking licensure as a physiotherapist in Canada.
Throughout the Fall of 2023, CAPR presented the vision for ESR to key stakeholders. Feedback from stakeholders was reviewed and analyzed by CAPR’s Evaluation Services Committee (ESC). The ESC in turn recommended that the CAPR Board of Directors approve the proposed ESR model which included the following projects:
- Development of a single licensure exam that assesses readiness for safe, effective, independent physiotherapy practice.
- Implementation of a fast-track pathway for Internationally Educated Physical Therapists (IEPTs) with comparable education to that of Canadian Educated Physical Therapists (CEPTs).
- Development and implementation of an equivalency evaluation assessment for IEPTs who do not have comparable education.
- Providing enhanced supports for IEPTs (and in some cases CEPTs) entering Canadian practice.
With the commitment of our Board, we are now moving forward with the ESR initiative, which will be a collaborative effort between CAPR and its system partners. Meaningful collaboration will be key to ensure we develop products that meet the needs of the regulators, our clients, the public, and the profession.
Stay tuned for your opportunity to get involved in the ESR initiative. CAPR will be looking for diverse groups of subject matter experts and others to participate on various advisory committees.
We appreciate the opportunity to continue this important work and look forward to sharing updates, key milestones, and continuing conversations and collaborations throughout this journey.