Re-opened / Reassessed Applicants

For those who have started the application but were unable to complete the credentialling process.

physiotherapist in blue scrubs making notes on a clipboard while elderly man watches from his seat on exam table

If for any reason you were unable to the credentialling process, CAPR can reopen your file or re-assess your application.

This category applies to you if you have applied for credentialling previously, and:

  1. You did not complete the process because you did not send all the provided documents within 1 year and your file was never assessed.


  1. Your file was assessed by a Credentialling Officer, but you were unable to meet all the requirements (as outlined in your assessment letter) before your deadline or eligibility period expired.

For more information see Policy 2.9 Expiration of Credentialling Results.

How to Re-Apply

Note that when you reapply, the requirements and policies in place at the time of your re-application apply to the reassessment of your file.

To apply for a re-opened file review or a re-assessment, you need to email

Your email must include:

  • Your full name
  • Your date of birth
  • Your CAPR client ID, if possible
  • The approximate date of your original application.

When CAPR has found your application, they will review your file. If you are eligible, they will release a new application to you.

  • The application will show on the ‘Apply’ tab in your CAPR Portal profile.
  • Create Reassessment Application.
  • Complete the application and submit payment.
  • You must upload a new identity document(s). See the ‘Identity documents’ section for information about what identity documents we need.

Follow Up to Reassessment Application

After you submit your application:

  • We will review the document(s) submitted for your previous application
  • We will update your ‘Required Documents’ list in the Client Portal
  • On the ‘Apply’ tab, click the ‘Details’ button to see your list.
  • You must review the list and arrange for any outstanding documents to be sent to CAPR.
  • For more information review ‘Providing Documents’ section for more information about what documents we need and how to submit them.