How To Provide Documents
Applicants should follow the guidelines closely to ensure your credentialling process is completed in a timely manner.

- Credentialling Overview
- Credentialling in Canada
- Policies
- 2.1 Standard Credentialling Pathway Policy
- 2.2 Language Proficiency
- 2.3 Fraudulent/Irregular Documents and Cheating
- 2.5 Translated Documents
- 2.7 Graduation Verification
- 2.8 Distance Learning
- 2.9 Expiration of Credentialling Results
- 2.10 Supervised Clinical Practice Hours
- 2.11 Administrative Reconsideration for Credentialling
- 2.12 Appeal Policy for Credentialling
- 2.13 Credentialling Eligibility Policy
- 2.14 Alternative Credential Evaluation
- 2.15 Pre-Approved Credentialling Pathway Policy
- Language Requirement
- Canadian Health Requirement
- Top 8 Things Credentialling Clients Should Know
- Applying for Credentialling
- Standard Credentialling Pathway Assessment Timelines
- Alternative Careers
- Resources / Webinars
- Bridging Programs
- Frequently Asked Questions
How to Provide Documents
As part of the credentialling process we review documents related to your training. We review your documents to see if your education is similar to a physiotherapist educated in Canada. Some documents you can provide yourself. Other documents must be sent by your school or other agencies. Also, if your documents are not in French or English, you must provide certified translations. Carefully review our requirements for documents.
- We DO NOT accept original documents (such as a degree or passport)
- We do not store or return documents.
- All documents sent to us must be either copies of originals or certified translations (notarized translations are not permitted)
- Review the Required Documents List below.
- All documents sent by your school or authorized authority must be attested with stamps, and/or seals, and/or signatures from the appropriate school authority.
Create Profile on Client Portal
Clients can create a profile in the Client Portal before applying for credentialling. By creating a profile, you will be given a Client ID number that you add to your documents to ensure they are added to your profile in a timely manner. It will also allow us to add any documents to your profile before you apply.
Required Documents List – Standard Credentialling Pathway
Information – upload a PDF of an official document with the following:
- your full legal name
- your date of birth
- your photograph
If all three are provided in one document, upload only the one document.
Document type – you must make sure that your identity document:
- is official (i.e., issued by the government / agency authorized by the government to issue official documents)
- is valid (it is not expired)
Documents you can submit to support your identity:
- Birth Certificate
- Passport – provide only the pages with the required information
- Driving Licence – must be from a Canadian province or territory
- Identification Card – from a Canadian province or territory
- Canadian Permanent Resident Card
No documentation?
- If you do not have an official document listed above, you must personally sign an affidavit that is certified by a notary public.
- The affidavit must indicate that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge.
- The affidavit must include:
• that the name shown on your application is your full legal name
• your date of birth
• a current photograph of you
• the reason why you don’t have an official document.
- This document cannot be uploaded through the CAPR portal. You must mail the original affidavit directly to CAPR’s office.
Proof of legal name change
If the name on your school documents is different from your current name, you must upload official documentation showing your legal name change (i.e. marriage certificate).
- Documents must come directly from your university or authorized authority (i.e. Digitary, HEC). See the country specific documents list under physiotherapy school.
- Also called mark sheets, academic records, or diploma supplement
- You may need to contact the records department or registrar at your university to request this document.
You, or your school, or an authorized authority (i.e. Digitary, HEC, etc.) must provide a copy of your diploma, degree or certificate for your university-level, entry-to-practice physiotherapy education.
- If you are sending the document to us, you can upload a PDF copy of your diploma, degree or certificate in the Client Portal.
- If your school or authorized authority is providing the document, it must come directly from them. The document must be attested by the awarding institution and have the appropriate seals/stamps/signatures.
- Graduation Verification- If you are applying for credentialling after you have completed all your degree requirements but before your graduation ceremony (therefore cannot send a copy of the certificate), send the Graduation Verification Form to your school.
- This lets your school confirm that you completed the program. We will also accept an official letter from the school showing your graduation status instead of the Graduation Verification Form, if the letter supplies all the information required.
- See also Policy 2.7 – Graduation Verification
Documents the school must send directly to CAPR
You must supply a Document Request Form to your school or authority that provided your credentials:
- Download this form: Document Request Form
- You must send the ‘Document Request Form’ to the school you attended for physiotherapy.
- We will keep all school documents for two years while waiting for the rest of your application.
- If we do not receive your application within two years, we will destroy the school documents.
- We will not accept the form or the documents if we receive them from anyone other than your physiotherapy school (unless noted in Country Specific Documents list)
Documents required from your school include:
- Official Transcripts – Also called mark sheets, academic records, or diploma supplement
- Transcripts comes from the institution where you received your physiotherapy credential, unless otherwise noted in Country Specific Documents list.
- You may need to contact the records department or registrar at your university to request this document.
B. Graduation Verification
- Are you applying for credentialling after you have completed all your degree requirements, but before your graduation ceremony?
- In this case, you may not yet have a copy of your certificate.
- You can instead send the Graduation Verification Form to your school along with the Document Request Form.
- This lets your school confirm that you completed the program.
- We will also accept an official letter from the school showing your graduation status (this would replace the Graduation Verification Form if the letter includes all the information required on the Form)
- For more information: Policy 2.7 – Graduation Verification
- Your school may submit your official academic records (mark sheets, statement of marks, transcripts) and/or your degree directly to CAPR through the Digital Document Service provider Digitary.
- Documents sent via Digitary must be sent to
- If you create a PIN for your document, you must include your PIN in your CAPR portal profile. Without the Access PIN, CAPR is unable to download your digital document.
- Official academic records (mark sheets, statement of marks, marks cards, etc.) must be attested by the Registrar or Controller of Examinations at the issuing university.
- The university must send the attested documents directly to CAPR in a stamped/ sealed envelope that lists your university as the sender of all packages, including courier packages.
- Official academic records will not be accepted from the college.
Université de Liège
- If you completed your physiotherapy education at the Université de Liège, the university can submit your official academic records (mark sheets, statement of marks, transcripts), and CAPR’s Document Request Form, directly to CAPR. Students can contact the official, Jerome Collette, for their documents to be sent directly to
Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM)
- If you completed your physiotherapy education at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM) the university can submit your official academic records (mark sheets, statement of marks, transcripts), CAPR’s Document Request Form and/or your degree, directly to CAPR.Students can contact the Pro-Reitoria de Educacao de Ensino (Pro-Rectory of the Undergraduate Education) for their documents to be sent directly to
- You must also request an up-to-date and verifiable Chinese and English electronic verification report of your degree certificate from the Center for Student Services and Development (CSSD).
- The CSSD must send this directly to our office by email to
- You must request your official physiotherapy academic record and online verification reports to be sent to us in Chinese and English from the CSSD. The CSSD must send this directly to our office by email to
- You must request an attested copy of your program syllabus from your physiotherapy school. A copy is required in both the original language and in English. If the school can only provide a copy in the original language, then CAPR will send you a copy of the original document to be translated into English.
Universidad CES
- If you completed your physiotherapy education at the Universidad CES, the university can submit your official academic records (mark sheets, statement of marks, transcripts), CAPR’s Document Request Form and/or your degree, directly to CAPR.
Students can contact the university admissions department at for the documents to be sent directly to
- Official academic records (transcripts, mark sheets, statement of marks, marks cards, etc.) and degree must be attested with an original physical seal by the Bufete de Servicios Especializados (BES) Dirección General or from the Consultoría Jurídica Departmeto Trámites Migratorios y Documentales.
- The authority must send the attested documents directly to CAPR in a stamped/sealed envelope that lists their name as the sender of all packages, including courier packages. Official academic records will not be accepted from the university.
- We require a copy of your clinical internship certificate/internship completion certificate.
- You can upload a copy of this document in the Client Portal or you can ask your school to submit an attested copy of this document.
- Official academic records (mark sheets, statement of marks, marks cards, etc.) must be attested by the Registrar or Controller of Examinations at the issuing university.
- The university must send the attested documents directly to CAPR in a stamped/sealed envelope that lists your university as the sender of all packages, including courier packages. Official academic records will not be accepted from the college.
- We require a copy of your clinical internship certificate/internship completion certificate. You can upload a copy of this document in the Client Portal or you can ask your college to submit an attested copy of this document.
Gujarat University - If you completed your physiotherapy education at Gujarat University, the university can submit your official academic records (mark sheets, statement of marks, transcripts) and/or your degree directly to CAPR. Students must apply by going here: Documents must be sent from the Deputy Registrar-Examinations email address to
University of Mumbai - If you completed your physiotherapy education at University of Mumbai, the university can submit your official academic records (mark sheets, statement of marks, transcripts) and/or your degree directly to CAPR through the University of Mumbai.
- Documents sent via the University of Mumbai must be sent to
Hanze University of Applied Sciences
- If you completed your physiotherapy education at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences (Hanzehogeschool Groningen), the university can submit your official academic records (mark sheets, statement of marks, transcripts), CAPR’s Document Request Form and/or your degree, directly to CAPR. Students can contact the Executive Secretary for the documents to be sent directly to
- Official academic records (mark sheets, statement of marks, marks cards, etc.) and official physiotherapy degree must be attested by the Higher Education Commission (HEC).
- We must receive these documents in an envelope that is stamped, sealed, and closed by the HEC.
- Official academic records and physiotherapy degree will not be accepted from the college or university.
- You must include your CNIC or Passport No. in the Digital Document section in the Client Portal.
- We require a copy of your clinical internship certificate/internship completion certificate. You can upload a copy of this document in the Client Portal or you can ask your college to submit an attested copy of this document.
- We require a copy of your clinical internship certificate/internship completion certificate.
- You can upload a copy of this document in the Client Portal or you can ask your school to submit an attested copy of this document.
- You must arrange for your diploma and academic transcripts to be verified and attested by the Information and Image Center (ENIC Ukraine) under the Ministry of Education and Science.
- All of these documents must be sent directly from the Information and Image Center (ENIC Ukraine) under the Ministry of Education and Science to our office by email to
- You can also arrange for translations of your diploma and academic transcripts to be verified and attested and sent by the Information and Image Center (ENIC Ukraine) under the Ministry of Education and Science. Or you can arrange for the native language documents to be translated by a certified translator.
- Your school must complete the Document Request Form (DRF) and send this directly to our office.
Universidad Arturo Michelena (UAM)
- If you completed your physiotherapy education at the Universidad Arturo Michelena (UAM), the university can submit your official academic records (mark sheets, statement of marks, transcripts), CAPR’s Document Request Form and/or your degree, directly to CAPR. Students can contact the university Secretaria at for the documents to be sent directly to
The agency must release your test results directly to CAPR.
CAPR will not be able to retrieve language tests from the online portal without the release of your test results from the testing agency.
Some language testing agencies will send your results to CAPR through an online portal. To get your language test results, we need information from you:
- If you completed the CELPIP, you must include your PIN and Registration number in the Digital Documents section of your CAPR Portal profile.
- If you completed the IELTS (General or Academic), you must include your Test Report Form (TRF) Number in the Digital Documents section of your CAPR Portal profile.
- If you completed the TOEFL, you must include your Appointment Number in the Digital Documents section of your CAPR Portal profile.
When you complete one of the pre-approved courses, you must request that the school send us confirmation that you have successfully completed the course
- The school can send the confirmation to
- They must include your full name and CAPR Client ID number.
Next, for CAPR to confirm the completion of the pre-approved course, you must provide information about the course you’ve completed in the CAPR client portal. Log in to the portal, go to the Apply tab, select the Details button, scroll down to the Digital Documents section, select the Add New Digital Document button, and then enter the required information.
Required Documents List – Pre-Approved Credentialling Pathway
Information – upload a PDF of an official document with the following:
- your full legal name
- your date of birth
- your photograph
If all three are provided in one document, upload only the one document.
Document type – you must make sure that your identity document:
- is official (i.e., issued by the government / agency authorized by the government to issue official documents)
- is valid (it is not expired)
Documents you can submit to support your identity:
- Birth Certificate
- Passport – provide only the pages with the required information
- Driving Licence – must be from a Canadian province or territory
- Identification Card – from a Canadian province or territory
- Canadian Permanent Resident Card
No documentation?
- If you do not have an official document listed above, you must personally sign an affidavit that is certified by a notary public.
- The affidavit must indicate that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge.
- The affidavit must include:
• that the name shown on your application is your full legal name
• your date of birth
• a current photograph of you
• the reason why you don’t have an official document.
- This document cannot be uploaded through the CAPR portal. You must mail the original affidavit directly to CAPR’s office.
Proof of legal name change
If the name on your school documents is different from your current name, you must upload official documentation showing your legal name change (i.e. marriage certificate).
- Documents must come directly from your university or authorized authority (i.e. Digitary, HEC). See the country specific documents list under physiotherapy school.
- Also called mark sheets, academic records, or diploma supplement
- You may need to contact the records department or registrar at your university to request this document.
- Your school may submit your official academic records (mark sheets, statement of marks, transcripts) directly to CAPR through the Digital Document Service provider Digitary.
- Documents sent via Digitary must be sent to
- If you create a PIN for your document, you must include your PIN in your CAPR portal profile. Without the Access PIN, CAPR is unable to download your digital document.
- Your school may submit your official academic records (mark sheets, statement of marks, transcripts) directly to CAPR through the Digital Document Service provider My eQuals.
- Documents sent via My eQuals must be sent to
- If you create a PIN for your document(s), you must include your PIN in the Digital Documents section in your CAPR portal profile. Without the Access PIN, CAPR is unable to download your digital document.
- Your school can submit your official academic records (mark sheets, statement of marks, transcripts) directly to CAPR through the Digital Document Service provider My eQuals.
- Documents sent via My eQuals must be sent to
- If you create a PIN for your document, you must include your Access PIN in the Digital Documents section in your CAPR Portal Profile. Without the Access PIN, CAPR is unable to download your digital document.
- Your school may submit your official academic records (mark sheets, statement of marks, transcripts) directly to CAPR through the Digital Document Service provider Gradintelligence.
- Documents sent via Gradintelligence must be sent to
Oxford Brookes University - If you completed your physiotherapy education at Oxford Brookes University, the university can submit your official academic records (mark sheets, statement of marks, transcripts) directly to CAPR.
- Students can order the transcripts online and request for documents to be sent directly to
University of Birmingham - If you completed your physiotherapy education at the University of Birmingham, the university can submit your official academic records (mark sheets, statement of marks, transcripts) directly to CAPR through Verify.
- Documents sent via Verify must be sent to
Brunel University - If you completed your physiotherapy education at Brunel University, the university can submit your official academic records (mark sheets, statement of marks, transcripts) directly to CAPR through Verify Award.
- Documents sent via Verify Award must be sent to
University College London - If you completed your physiotherapy education at the University College London, the university can submit your official academic records (mark sheets, statement of marks, transcripts) directly to CAPR.
- Students can contact for the documents to be sent directly to
- Your school may submit your official academic records (mark sheets, statement of marks, transcripts) a directly to CAPR through the Digital Document Service provider Parchment.
- Documents sent via Parchment must be sent to
If you are a recent graduate, meaning you graduated within 2 years of applying for credentialling, CAPR will verify your registration status or eligibility to register without conditions with the regulatory authority in the pre-approved jurisdiction where you were educated. You do not need to submit any information.
If you are not a recent graduate, you must confirm that you are registered to practice without conditions in the pre-approved jurisdiction where you were educated. To do this, you must confirm you are registered, select the name of the regulatory authority you are licenced with, and add your registration number in the Client Portal when you apply.
If you were educated in Hong Kong, the Physiotherapists Board must send a Certificate of Standing directly to our office.
The agency must release your test results directly to CAPR.
CAPR will not be able to retrieve language tests from the online portal without the release of your test results from the testing agency.
Some language testing agencies will send your results to CAPR through an online portal. To get your language test results, we need information from you:
- If you completed the CELPIP, you must include your PIN and Registration number in the Digital Documents section of your CAPR Portal profile.
- If you completed the IELTS (General or Academic), you must include your Test Report Form (TRF) Number in the Digital Documents section of your CAPR Portal profile.
- If you completed the TOEFL, you must include your Appointment Number in the Digital Documents section of your CAPR Portal profile.
When you complete one of the pre-approved courses, you must request that the school send us confirmation that you have successfully completed the course
- The school can send the confirmation to
- They must include your full name and CAPR Client ID number.
Next, for CAPR to confirm the completion of the pre-approved course, you must provide information about the course you’ve completed in the CAPR client portal. Log in to the portal, go to the Apply tab, select the Details button, scroll down to the Digital Documents section, select the Add New Digital Document button, and then enter the required information.