2.9 Expiration of Credentialling Results
Date Effective: February 25, 2013
Scope: This policy applies to all internationally-educated physiotherapists applying to CAPR’s credentialling process.
Principles: The nature of the profession of physiotherapy requires that internationally-educated physiotherapists maintain the currency of their skills and knowledge. The time a physiotherapist spends out of practice must be also be minimized to ensure a greater chance of success on the PCE and in the profession.
It is important that an applicant attempt the exam as soon as possible after they successfully finish the credentialling process. This helps to ensure that an applicant’s skills and CAPR’s assessment remain current.
The results of a credentialling assessment remain valid for a period of two years. A credentialling applicant must address any outstanding issues and attempt the Physiotherapy Competency Examination (PCE) within two years of receiving a credentialling results letter. If an applicant fails to complete their first attempt of the written component of the PCE within this period, their file will be closed.
There are certain cases in which an applicant may be unable to attempt the exam within the two year period, such as financial inability to pay for the exam, or the inability to obtain a visa to come to Canada within the stated time period. Such applicants who have had the validity of their results expire will be required to apply for a Re-Opened File Review to re-assess their eligibility to attempt the exam. A fee shall be charged for a Re-Opened File Review and the file will be assessed using the most current standards in place at the time of the Re-Opened File Review. Due to changing standards, there is no guarantee that the applicant will continue to be eligible as a result of the Re-Opened File Review.